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<center><CENTER><FONT COLOR=#ff0000><font face="arial,tahoma,geneva"><b><h1><font face="arial"> <body bgcolor=#00ff00> <center><p><b><font color=ffffff><font size="3"><i> <HTML></P><P> <HEAD></P><P><CENTER><TITLE><H1><FONT COLOR=#FF0000><TT>Another day in the life of man!

Now as the two walked slowly

back to the cave. They were thinking how close they came to being lunch for the bear. Also being in the water, made them think about food. Just what was he or her going to fix for lunch?

Now as the trail turned, the

two could see the opening of the cave. Also could see that there was the cats standing looking at the cave. Now he started thinking was the bear in the cave? Then he saw that there was another cat came out of the cave. Now that made 4 Big Cats. Just where did this other cat come from? What was it doing coming out of the cave?

Well the two came up to

the mouth of the cave. He walked in, there was nothing wrong inside the cave. All things was just as the two had left them. Looks like the two had to do now was start lunch. That was just what he was going to do. He turned to call for her. There she was standing looking at him. Well she said,'just what do you want me to fix? He laughed and said lets get something going I sure could use something to eat, how about you?

This the starting of a new day. -

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