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<center><CENTER><FONT COLOR=#ff0000><font face="arial,tahoma,geneva"><b><h1><font face="arial"> <body bgcolor=#00ff00> <center><p><b><font color=ffffff><font size="3"><i> <HTML></P><P> <HEAD></P><P><CENTER><TITLE><H1><FONT COLOR=#FF0000><TT>Another day in the life of man!

As you

remember, he was thinking about the two sisters . So lets get back to them and see just what is going on .

As we

are looking at them, we see that his wife is cleaning up after the long drive . She also is talking to him, asking when were they going to go to his mothers . He just said slowly that she was out of town now . That they should be back maybe in the morning . With that said, she said,' Ok, then, what are we going to do until then ? '

He laughed,

then said,' make love thats one thing we could do . ' Well you know she said, ' how about lets go to Bob's Dog house tonight ? ' He turned and looked at her and said, 'why is he going to be there ? ' She didn't know just what to say or think about that ! She just stood and comb her hair .

Now after

saying what he said,' he knew in his heart he was coming or there some where . He just set looking at her to see what she would say or do next . Then she looked at him, you know you have been gone a long time . Sometimes a person gets lonely, then before she could say another word . The 15 year come in, looking like she had fell into a tub of water . She was wet from head to toe . Laughing and said its raining so hard, I could not get all of the things out of the car .

He smiled

at her, saying no problem my sweets I'll go help you . He got up not saying a word to his wife and walked out . The 15 year old went with him . All his wife could do was stand combing her hair, not knowing what to would happen next .

This the starting of a new day. -

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