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This,the starting of a new day.!

Now all was getting dry,warm,after the fire had been started. The sleeping bags were ready,so the two layed down to sleep. Now Pepe

was trying not to think about the eyes in the back on top of the big rock. Like all dogs, he just had to know who or what was on the other end of them. Now with this in his mind, there would not be much sleep. So as Pepe lay

down at the foot of his sleeping bag. His eyes started to slowly shut,then all at once. They would open,because he remember the eyes in the back of the cave at the top of the big rock. Well,at last Pepe,could not sleep. He

just had to go see,who was on the other end of those eyes. Pepe got up,slowly walking to the back of the cave. Then the guy called him back. First Pepe did not want to move, but he went back. Being a good friend to the guy.

Pepe had to do as he was asked to do. As Pepe got back,the guy told him lay down an sleep.

Now as the three lay in their sleeping bags,the snow was falling hard outside. It was getting colder, an Pepe was sleeping. After

all was asleep, the eyes in the back of the cave,came down to where the others was sleeping. Now Pepe did not know that what it was laying on his sleeping bag. Next to him asleep also. Now there was the guy,the woman,Pepe

an most of all the other eyes,all in one nice warm spot by the fire.

Now, it was early in the morning. Pepe woke up,he had to find something was sleeping on top of his sleeping bag. It was hard for him to move.

When Pep,was able to move, what was on top of him. Had also moved,Pepe could smell it. It had moved,but Pepe could smell where it had slept. Pepe, went looking for it,nothing could be found. So Pepe went back to get the

other two up. By the time Pepe, had returned, all was up. First the woman, started making coffee. The man, had gone outside to see how it looked. Pepe saw, that all was moving. So now Pepe, went to the front of the cave.

There was the guy standing looking outside. Durning the night the snow had fallen a lot. Pepe first put one paw into the snow. Then the other,then one more, then the last. Now Pepe, had seen snow last night,but it was

dark. Now looking at it in the light,was different to him. Pepe was wondering what was this white stuff. Where did all this stuff,'come from ?'Why is this stuff so cold,wet ? Why can't,'he smell this stuff ?' No problem

for Pepe, he was only trying to walk in it.

Now as Pepe walked the snow got higher on his legs. Now the woman came out to see what was going on. The two were laughing at Pepe trying to

walk in the snow. The three were playing in the snow. The more they played,they forgot about how high the snow was. Then Pepe started running back inside barking. The other two went after him as fast as they could. When

they had got to their camp spot in the cave. To their surprise, all the food was all over the floor of the cave. Something had got into the bag of food by the fire. Not knowing what had done it, but Pepe then went to the

back of the cave. There on the rock was a rat,a big one to. The rat set there looking at Pepe. Pepe started barking, now the others went to Pepe. When the others got there, they to saw the rat.

Now laughing, an seeing how Pepe was doing,that was funny. The food, well that was not to funny. With the snow, like it was. The trail, was

covered, it would be to hard to try to go down the mountain. So looks like,they would be staying another night. All three went back to where the food was,'picked up what they could.' Put it all away where nothing could

get it. Then started fixing something for lunch. As the two were fixing the lunch Pepe went looking around. Now the guy was thinking to himself how nice the woman looked. Also how nice she was to talk to. She made him

feel good about coming on the camp out. Also little did the guy know,but the woman was thinking the samething. The two work together on lunch. In the mean time Pepe, was having a good time running the rat into a hole,in

back of the cave. The guy started calling Pepe,Pepe went to see what was up. Pepe, soon found out it was almost lunch time. This was one of Pepe favorite times of the day. As the three ate, here comes the rat out of the

hole. Pepe did not even bark this time. Pepe was not going to stop eating to run that old rat. The guy picked up a pice of bread, gave Pepe half an the rat the other half. The woman said looks like we have now 4 for lunch.

The guy an the woman laugh,about that. When lunch was over with,the guy an Pepe. Took a walk ouside to see how high the snow was.

This the starting of a new day. -

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