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of a newday.!

As you as you remember. The snow was coming down to hard an was too deep. So the three went back inside. Now the two went on about setting up camp again. In the mean time Pepe, went about looking in the cave. Now as Pepe was looking around in the back of the cave. The two was making something to


Now, the two called out for Pepe to come back. Well, Pepe started running fast to the front of the cave where they were. Now Pepe, was moving so fast he ran pass the guy. Then it happen,Yes,'Pepe saw the biggest meanest,Bear he had every seen. Now that is not saying to much,for Pepe had never seen a Bear before. This was something new to him. So all Pepe knew to do was bark.

Now as Pepe stood there barking.The woman told the guy to call Pepe. Well the guy looked from what he was doing. He then told the woman to not say anything or move. Then he told Pepe to come there. The woman not noing what was going on did as she was told. Now the Bear, in the mean time turned and walked out of the cave.

After the Bear was gone,the woman asked, why did he tell her not to move? The guy told her about the bear.Now after that, she said,'she was not going to stay in the cave.'The guy laugh,saying that the Bear was outside. Being in the cave was the best place to be. She said,'what if the Bear came back. All he could say was,'you do know that the Bear is outside. Do you want to be outside with that Bear? Well, not to say more,she agreeded. She also said,'she would be setting looking for the Bear.

This the starting of a new day. -

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