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<center><CENTER><FONT COLOR=#ff0000><font face="arial,tahoma,geneva"><b><h1><font face="arial"> <body bgcolor=#00ff00> <center><p><b><font color=ffffff><font size="3"><i> <HTML></P><P> <HEAD></P><P><CENTER><TITLE><H1><FONT COLOR=#FF0000><TT>Another day in the life of man!

As the two were in the front room talking, they came up with going

camping for a week. They came up with going to the Blood of Christ Mountains.
They were only a few miles from them, but would have to walk most of the way.

So the two came up with going, this coming weekend. So they
had two days to get things together. That was time enough, the next morning. They got together to talk over what each needed to get. He told her that it would be nice and

warm. To bring nothing to make her hot at night. Also to pack only, what
she needed, not to pack a lot of things. For she would have to carry it, laughing she said OK. It was time for her to go to the home. To start packing, for they had changed their minds. Would leave early in the morning. Both of them were wanting to go so bad. Each had it in their own minds, what they wanted to happen.

This the starting of a new day. -

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