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<center><CENTER><FONT COLOR=#ff0000><font face="arial,tahoma,geneva"><b><h1><font face="arial"> <body bgcolor=#00ff00> <center><p><b><font color=ffffff><font size="3"><i> <HTML></P><P> <HEAD></P><P><CENTER><TITLE><H1><FONT COLOR=#FF0000><TT>Another day in the life of </P><P>man!

After finding

out that there was no love between the two . His friend went an asked her out for a date the following night . We also found out our selfves that without love between a man & an a woman they will never make it together long .

My friends

life is like going to school , for each day you learn something ,FONT COLOR=#000000>. So you can say you have learned something today about a man an a woman if there is no love then soon they will part .

Don't get

me wrong, we all have someone out there that loves us . You just have to let that person come into your life . I'm sure one day all you ladies will find that sweetheart you have been looking for . I did once, like some of us we let them gat away . I also found out she was not the one for me . So I like you are looking for that sweet loving person that God made just for me . In my heart and mind I call her anglewings , thats why I took the name anglewings .

This the starting of a new day. -

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